Direct Mail

Whether it’s a political campaign or a simple sales and marketing 101 for a consumer product, it is well understood that the best way to convert qualified leads into passionate votes is through a three stage process.

First — you have to contact your potential voter

Second — you have to follow up with that potential voter

Third — you need to gather direct feedback from that potential voter that can help the candidate work hard for them while in office

Reaching your potential voters through political direct mail services has a proven track record of success.  However, when you hedge your efforts by having the marketing experts at Crusader Public Relations create a customized program for your campaign — you are truly doubling-down on success.

Customized direct mail pieces that get your voters to the polls on election day are highly effective in reinforcing your message.  Crusader Public Relations believes that an affordable and highly effective way to drive your message home is by integrating direct mail into your outreach strategy.  The more media channels your message uses EFFECTIVELY, the greater the number of opportunities your message has to make a lasting impression.

Crusader Public Relations Direct Mail Services include:

  • National and local political direct mail services — We can assist you in all aspects of creating, launching, and managing a successful direct mail approach.
  • Printed and text communication strategy — We offer political mail strategy and consulting services that focus on your goals and work with your budget.
  • Voter and consumer records — Use only the most current contact data tailored to meet your needs and specifications
  • Mailing services — You can’t afford for your pieces to get lost in the mail.  We will ensure that your mailer has proper postal preparations, and most importantly, that the political mail ARRIVES ON TIME.
  • Direct-targeted content — Making sure the content on each direct mailer we create is crafted in such a way as to appeal to the voters both logically and emotionally


Contact us online today for a free consultation.  Speak with a professional Crusader Public Relations representative directly at 800-474-7816.